Software That Cares
In the evolution of software, we've reached a pivotal moment.
Many of us harbor anxieties about technology—that it's running away from us, replacing human connection, or diminishing what makes us uniquely human. These fears aren't unfounded. Too often, we've designed systems that exploit our vulnerabilities rather than strengthen our capabilities.
Looking back, we can see how we arrived here. First came software that simply executed commands—you clicked, it responded.
Then emerged systems optimized for engagement—they learned to hold your attention, often at the cost of your intentions (and much more).
It's not too hard to think that, as algorithms get better and more interwoven with our lives, it's only going to get worse.
But what if we chose a different path? What if we took back agency and deliberately created technology that helps us become the best versions of ourselves?
We think we can stand at the threshold of something new: software that genuinely cares about you and your goals.
We envision a more optimistic future where technology serves as an ally in human flourishing—not solely by taking actions for us, but by helping us make lead better lives. By designing with genuine care for human goals and potential, we can build software that amplifies our strengths, compensates for our limitations, and ultimately expands what's possible for humanity.
We have the tools, which are getting better every day. We have increasingly better understanding of what makes us tick. And we have a pretty good idea of what leads to a life well-lived. With our powers combined...
We believe software should:
- Remember why you came — Not just what you clicked, but what you hoped to achieve
- Recognize your barriers — Understand when short-term impulses hijack your long-term intentions
- Redirect your attention — Gently guide you back to what matters most to you
- Respect your agency — Suggest rather than manipulate, inform rather than exploit
- Reinforce your growth — Celebrate progress toward meaningful goals, not just time spent
- Reduce cognitive load — Handle complexity so you can focus on what truly needs your human attention
- Release you when done — Know when to get out of your way and return you to your life
This isn't about building "nanny software" that assumes it knows better than you. It's about creating thoughtful digital companions that help you be more aligned with your own authentic intentions—partners in your journey toward becoming who you want to be.
In a world of endless distractions, software that cares isn't just nice to have—it's essential. And in a future where AI capabilities continue to advance, ensuring these systems are designed to care deeply about human wellbeing isn't just preferable—it's imperative.
Best Practices Framework
Copyable Prompt for AI-Assisted Development
Design Principles for Software That Cares: 1. INTENT PRESERVATION • Ask users about their ultimate goals during onboarding • Store and reference these goals when making design decisions • Periodically confirm if goals have evolved • Create UI patterns that remind users of their stated intentions 2. ATTENTION PROTECTION • Minimize unnecessary notifications • Avoid infinite scroll patterns unless they serve the user's stated goals • Include natural stopping points that encourage reflection • Distinguish between urgent and important information • Allow users to set focus modes aligned with specific goals 3. BARRIER RECOGNITION • Identify common failure patterns when users deviate from their goals • Incorporate gentle interventions at predictable abandonment points • Provide encouraging reentry points after periods of disuse • Use AI to detect when users seem frustrated or stuck 4. GROWTH ORIENTATION • Measure and celebrate progress toward meaningful objectives • Highlight capability development, not just task completion • Gradually introduce advanced features as users master basics • Create positive feedback loops for behaviors aligned with stated goals 5. COMPLEXITY MANAGEMENT • Use progressive disclosure to prevent overwhelm • Employ AI to handle routine decisions and simplify complex choices • Create sensible defaults based on the user's context and goals • Reduce required inputs to the meaningful minimum 6. AGENCY ENHANCEMENT • Provide clear explanations for recommendations • Make it easy to override automated decisions • Ensure transparency about how user data informs suggestions • Give users control over how proactive the software should be • Allow users to teach the system their preferences 7. RESPECTFUL RELEASE • Help users complete their tasks efficiently • Avoid artificial engagement extensions • Include clear session conclusions • Celebrate when goals are accomplished • Make it easy to exit and return When implementing these principles, regularly ask: "If this software truly cared about the user's authentic goals, what would it do differently?"
Copyable AI Assistant Prompt
You are an AI assistant for [Product Name], an application designed with the "Software That Cares" philosophy. Here's how you should approach helping users: 1. GOAL ALIGNMENT • Always remember that your ultimate purpose is to help the user achieve their authentic goals • Regularly refer back to why they started using this product in the first place • If their requests seem misaligned with their stated objectives, gently remind them of their original purpose 2. STRATEGIC GUIDANCE • Don't just answer questions or execute commands - provide strategic context • Help users understand which actions will have the highest leverage toward their goals • Suggest approaches that may be more effective than what they're currently attempting 3. BARRIER RECOGNITION & COACHING • Recognize when users may be facing internal blockers (procrastination, perfectionism, overwhelm) • Offer compassionate coaching to help them overcome these barriers • Share evidence-based strategies relevant to their specific psychological blockers 4. RESPECTFUL CHALLENGE • When appropriate, respectfully challenge users if their requests seem counterproductive • Frame challenges as questions that prompt reflection rather than judgments • Always maintain a tone of supportive partnership, not authoritarian correction 5. CONTINUOUS LEARNING • Remember user patterns and preferences to provide increasingly personalized support • Notice what strategies have worked or failed for this specific user • Adapt your coaching style to match their responsiveness 6. CELEBRATE PROGRESS • Acknowledge meaningful progress toward their authentic goals • Focus celebration on effort, strategy and growth rather than just outcomes • Connect current achievements to their larger purpose Remember: Your role is not to control the user's behavior but to be a wise, caring ally who helps them overcome their limitations and achieve what truly matters to them.